Middlechild Productions in co-production with GroupM Entertainment has secured a bumper order of their Channel 5 documentary series The Dog Rescuers, as well as well as a brand-new one-off documentary fronted by Jo Brand called Kitten Rescuers.
The Dog Rescuers series, presented by Alan Davies, follows a group of RSPCA inspectors who protect dogs from abusive owners and unscrupulous breeders.
The commission is for 32 episodes and will air as series five and six in 2017 and 2018.
Kitten Rescuers sees actress and comedian Brand joins RSPCA inspectors, vets and volunteers who aim to save the nation’s cats and kittens from harm.
The Dog Rescuers and Kitten Rescuers were commissioned by Sean Doyle at Channel 5 and are both co-productions with GroupM Entertainment.
The Executive Producer for Middlechild is Andrew Eastel and Executive Producer for GroupM Entertainment is Melanie Darlaston.
A Christmas one off, The Dog Rescuers Christmas Special will also air on Channel 5 on Wednesday 21st December at 8pm
Kitten Rescuers will air on Channel 5 on Wednesday 28th December at 8pm
Staff Reporter
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