Digital Advertising on is an open access, industry news based website for the UK television, film and commercials production community. Every working day, the Televisual editorial team posts up to ten stories which are then curated within a daily newsletter sent to our fully GDPR compliant database of industry professionals. supplements the news coverage with exclusive Features including video content you will only find on this website.

Advertising is sold as fixed sites by month. For example, if you are running an MPU on the Right Hand column, above the fold, all traffic will see your MPU on every page they visit within the site.


Televisual is a firmly established, well-respected and much-loved brand that has become synonymous with the UK production community. Televisual magazine and share a similar loyal and engaged audience from broadcaster and studio through production company and facility and all those with leading roles who work professionally in moving image content creation for television, film and commercials.

Where Televisual magazine plays to the strength of a Quarterly, led by longform benchmark reports and surveys, leads with daily news from across the UK production sector with the addition of unique features and exclusive video content. Please explore the site, including’s Features and  Watch pages with exclusive posts including Televisual Films, curated content  and sponsored (native content) articles.

This website was last revamped back in Spring 2020 and has seen ever-increasing traffic rates every month since. The statistics quoted below were collected at the start of October, 2024

Over the past year has had 1,734,825 page impressions

That’s an average of 144,569 page impressions per month.

Google Analytics reports the following page impressions by month.

  • October 2023 – 165,768
  • November 2023 – 181,891
  • December 2023 -111,870
  • January 2024 – 144,766
  • February 2024 – 164,520
  • March 2024 – 162,492
  • April 2024 – 145,881
  • May 2024 – 123,861
  • June 2024 – 133,408
  • July 2024 – 142,045
  • August 2024 – 135,932
  • September 2024 – 122,391

Traffic to the site is predominantly driven by:

  • multiple tweets on our X (Twitter) channel where we have over 16,200 followers
  • from our Daily Newsletters where the data is purged of all persistent bounces and out of date contacts every fortnight with just shy of 7,800 fully qualified recipients (for more information, including advertising, see below)
  • from organic searches for recent news stories
  • from (mainly third-party) social media posts
  • and many who come to the Home Page looking to see what’s happening in their industry (and whose activity represents 25% of our total page impressions)

Because the site is open access and doesn’t require any subscription or registration, Televisual is unable to provide a detailed demographic profile. However, the profile of our X followers and Daily Newsletter sign-ups is in line with our magazine circulation demographic.

Google Analytics further tells us that 90% of all traffic comes from within the UK (followed by the US, Australia, Ireland and Canada) with a 50/50 gender balance.

You can see a full breakdown of Televisual magazine’s readers within the TELEVISUAL MAGAZINE page HERE

ADVERTISING OPTIONS & DISCOUNTS offers Banner and MPU advertising based on fixed sites for fixed periods (by calendar month).

You can refresh or change your banner within any fixed periods as often as you like. also offers sponsored features where you can tell a more complete story including images and embedded video.

BANNERS (728x90pixels)

The majority of the traffic comes to the News pages (80+%) with the Home, Features and ‘Other’ pages sold together (combined just shy of 20% of traffic). Banners are sold as Top, Second or Third placement based on descending prominence (ranking) on the site.

MPUS (300×169/300/600pixels)

The advertising running on the right-hand side of the site is always the same whether News, Home, Features or other. Advertising is priced based on size, ranking (top to bottom) and length of placement.

There are three size options to choose from:

300x169pixels (16×9)

300x300pixels (square)

300x600pixels (portrait)



Televisual has a very engaged daily newsletter audience. All newsletter recipients are GDPR compliant (have opted in) and as of August 2024, there are just over 7,800 recipients.

As of August 3rd 2024, the last 60 days statistical engagement was:

  • 323,028 emails sent
  • Open Rate Average – 56%
  • Highest Open Rate in period – 60%
  • Click Through Average (from all sent) – 10%
  • Highest Click Through Rate in any one day – 14%
  • Bounce Rate Average (Vacation, Suspended…) – 4%
  • New ‘Organic’ Registrations – 169
  • Unsubscribes – 89

The mailing data is purged every fortnight to remove consistent bounced emails and non responsive recipients.

Advertisers can place a 568(W)x190(H) banner that runs top and bottom of the daily newsletter. There is only one advertiser included within any one newsletter.

The cost to run a solus banner top and bottom of the Televisual Daily Newsletter is £145 (plus VAT) per placement with a minimum booking of four newsletters to be invoiced with the first placement.

‘FEATURES’ (CONTENT MARKETING) offers sponsored ‘Features’ placement that sit alongside our own on the FEATURES pages. You can see a wide selection of sponsored Features HERE. This option allows you to run content with images and even video from this site. Barring the “sponsored by” message at the top, the story is treated as if one of our own Features including being tweeted on posting and prominently included within our Newsletters. They have become increasingly popular over the past few years as unlike a Banner they offer deeper engagement.

A Feature works as follows:

  • It is posted as a news story on day one and then runs within the ‘Features’ section on the Home Page for at least a week.
  • It is tweeted multiple times on first posting over the following 48 hours. (Our X / Twitter feed has 16.2K followers) 
  • It is included in our Daily Newsletter within the top four stories on Day 1 and then further down the newsletter on Days 2 and 3. (The Daily Newsletter is sent to a constantly purged database of just over 7,800 GDPR compliant industry executives.)

To run a Feature you would need:

  • Body text clearly expressing the premise and your offer (500 words is recommended and ideally less. Televisual can advise and help with copy)
  • Strong clear headline to length (see online examples)
  • A strong main image that ‘talks’ to the subject and ideally subsidiary images to run within the Feature.
  • And you have the option to run embedded video content if you send us a Vimeo or YouTube link
  • A clear call to action and contact details

The cost to run a Feature is £745 (plus VAT) as a single placement and £645 (plus VAT) if running two or more.



Televisual ran a series of ‘editorial’ films – the Televisual Factual Films. The 12 films explored  factual television commissioning (covering the BBC, Channel 4 x 2, ITV, Channel 5 x 2, Sky, A+E TV Networks UK, Discovery UK) and a further two within the same series exploring producers views about the future of factual and an anatomy of a major factual TV series. All of the films are open access on this site. Viewing figures have been in excess of 1,000 per film with an average viewing of around 800. In 2023, Televisual released two films about the animation and audio behind The Amazing Maurice.

You can see the films within a new online page – WWW.TELEVISUAL.COM/WATCH

Televisual offers a new sponsorship model to support editorial films and would like to discuss this with interested parties.  Sponsorship includes (animated) logos at both the front and back of the films.

Please contact if you are interested in being part of a compelling new offer.


All rates are quoted excluding VAT


All Pages, excluding news pcm

News Pages pcm

All Pages pcm

Leaderboard Banner
(728×90 pixels)




Second Banner
(728×90 pixels)




Third Banner
(728×90 pixels)





(Right Hand Column)


(RH column) pcm


(RH column) pcm


(RH column) pcm

Top MPU (News Pages only)

Second MPU (ALL pages)

Third MPU (ALL pages)

Fourth MPU (ALL pages)

Fifth MPU (ALL pages)

Sixth MPU (ALL pages)

Seventh MPU (ALL pages)

Eighth MPU (ALL pages)

Ninth MPU (ALL pages)
























