Directed by Daniel Kaluuya and Kibwe Tavares, The Kitchen is a dystopian feature drama set in a near-future London. The show drops on Netflix this Friday, 19th January.

sponsored by Hijack

Hijack came on board during pre-production, taking responsibility for the workflow plan and documentation. This included detailing everything from camera specifications and colour pipeline to workflow details, naming conventions, media estimates, and procedures.

Hijack provided a full Lab service, creating transcodes, dailies via Pix, and archiving to LTO. The Lab team also handled the colour transforms and QC’d the rushes in the dailies colour grading suite.

“The Hijack team have a deep understanding of workflow, and their dedication and reliability played an invaluable role in the success of ‘The Kitchen’ shoot. Knowing that HIJACK had helped us plan, and that our rushes were in their safe hands, gave us fantastic peace of mind and ensured our editorial team were able to hit the ground running each day.” Hashim Alsaraf, Post production Supervisor, The Kitchen

Hijack collaborates closely with the team at Bleat, located across the canal in Bethnal Green, who provided a comprehensive Dolby Atmos Theatrical workflow on site. This encompassed dual-theatre pre-mixing, ADR recording and editing, music editing and composition, and FX editing in the four adjacent Atmos suites. The final mix was completed in one of Bleat’s Dual S6 Theatrical Atmos stages.

Workflow Supervision by Hijack

Hijack Digital Dailies Lab Technician Jessie Viljoen / Nick Hughes for Hijack

Full Atmos theatrical mix and HETV deliverables at Bleat

Supervising Sound Editors: Steve Single & Matis Rei

ReRecording Mixer: Steve Single

Premixers: Gilbert Lake, Tom Melling

Mix technician: George Elliot

ADR Editor: Chris Howard

Music Editors: Christoph Bauschinger and Jamie Philokyprou

Composer: Alex Baranowski

Jon Creamer

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