If you thought HD cropping from 4K images provides a decent amount of flexibility for reframing images, check out this 10K timelapse demo. It’s shot at 10,328 x 7,760 using a PhaseOne IQ180 camera in and around Rio De Janeiro by photographer Joe Capra.
As he explains, “Each shot is comprised of hundreds of individual still images, each weighing in at a whopping 80 megapixels. Each individual raw frame measures 10328×7760 pixels.”
In this five minute film, Capra first presents the full resolution image, scaled down to fit 1920×1080 (14% scale). He then zooms in to 50% of the image, and then to 100%. And the detail in the shot is still absolutely incredible.
Capra estimates you can get around eight to 10 1920×1080 shots from a single 10K image, or five to six 4K shots.
It’s very impressive indeed.
Staff Reporter
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