Ahead of Mipcom, BBC Studios has announced that Chris Kinsman and Rebecca Ransley have been promoted to the newly created roles of Senior Vice President Factual and Senior Vice President Scripted for BBC Studios’ Content Sales Markets EMEA.

Based in London and reporting to Nick Percy, President of Global Markets, Kinsman and Ransley will lead the teams responsible for co-production and finished tape sales across all EMEA markets, setting the sales strategy and directing co-production and content financing opportunities for their respective genres. They will work closely with BBC Studios’ content sales leads across Global Markets and North America, as well as with BBC Studios Production leadership.

Nick Percy, President, Global Markets said, “Both Chris and Rebecca bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their new roles which have been created to reflect the evolving needs of our business. With these promotions I am delighted to be able to recognise the quality of their leadership and the strength and expertise of our sales teams.”

Chris Kinsman, SVP Factual, Content Sales Markets EMEA said, “For a number of years Rebecca and I have worked alongside each other, so we’re delighted to be jointly leading the integrated EMEA sales team with these new roles and we’re looking forward to unlocking further opportunities for our world class factual and scripted programming.”

Rebecca Ransley, SVP Scripted, Content Sales Markets EMEA said, “With BBC Studios’ ambitious growth plans and growing pipeline it’s the perfect time to have refreshed our team structure in line with the company’s objectives allowing closer and richer conversations with our partners.”



Jon Creamer

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