Televisual has revealed its exclusive list of the top 15 colourists in the UK, based on the opinions of fellow colourists, grading system makers and the various awards that honour colourists (the UK Music Video Awards, the British Arrows Craft Awards and the RTS Craft Awards).

Topping the list for the second year running is MPC’s Jean-Clement Soret, who is widely admired for his outstanding work on high-profile features and beautiful looking commercials.

Next up is ‘rising star’ Aubrey Woodiwiss from The Mill, who co-graded one of 2010’s best spot, Nike Write The Future.

Another The Mill colourist, Adam Scott, takes third place, while the top 10 also includes Rushes’ Simone Grattarola, The Farm Group’s Aiden Farrell, Narduzzo Too’s Vince Narduzzo and Molinare’s Gareth Spensley.

For the full run-down of the UK’s top colourists, including profiles of each of the grading artists featured in the top 15, go here.

Staff Reporter

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