Sony has launched the HDC-P50A, a compact, lightweight multi-purpose camera with a 2/3-inch 3-chip 4K image sensor that features global shutter function and offers “high flexibility” in terms of installation.

This camera inherits the features and performance of the existing multi-purpose camera Sony HDC-P50. In addition to SDI outputs from the camera body, it also supports IP transmission using SMPTE ST 2110. It can be connected to a camera control unit, enabling flexible operation even in shooting environments where the camera is distant from the control room. It also comes with the variable ND filter unit HKC-VND50. Sony says the camera’s compact and lightweight design makes it ideal for uses like shooting in hard-to-reach locations, aerial shots from helicopters, and capturing content with cranes or wire cams.

With its built-in IP transmission features, the HDC-P50A joins Sony’s Networked Live ecosystem. It can be connected to the camera control network adapter CNA-2 to enable centralised monitoring and remote operations.

The HDC-P50A is equipped with the same 2/3-inch 3-chip 4K image sensor and prism as the HDC-3500 and HDC-5500 cameras so it can easily integrate into existing systems.

“We’re seeing an increasing demand for high-quality video production in events such as sports and live performances, as well as a growing need for automation and IP compatibility in live production. With the release of this camera, Sony aims to meet the ever-diversifying needs of the video production industry,” says Norbert Paquet, Head of Live Production, Sony Europe BV.

With the optional license HZC-SFP5A, the HDC-P50A can directly output in IP using SMPTE ST 2110. This enables standalone camera compatibility with AMWA NMOS (Networked Media Open Specifications). It allows for direct IP output without the need for additional hardware and supports IP Tally, making it suitable as a compact camera in IP based studios. Additionally, by connecting to the IP camera extension adapter HDCE-TX50 or the camera control units HDCU-5000 and HDCU-5500, the camera delivers IP input/output and high frame rate output.

This camera is compatible with the camera control units HDCU-5000 and HDCU-5500, as well as the IP camera extension adapter HDCE-TX50. The camera control units and IP extension adapter allow for long-distance connections of up to 10km using single-mode fibre, making it possible to use them in shooting locations that are far away from the relay vehicle system. When connected to the camera control unit, it enables slow-motion shooting at up to 4 times the speed in 4K and up to 8 times the speed in HD.

Its size makes it suitable for shooting in hard-to-reach or elevated locations. It can be used for simple shooting with a remote pan-tilt unit, as well as capturing various angles in sports and live events, among other scenes.

The HDC-P50A will be shown on the Sony stand in the Elicium at IBC 2024 in Amsterdam.

Jon Creamer

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