Animation studio Lupus Films has appointed Animation Producer Abigail Addison in the newly -created role of Training and Development Producer.

The role will cover recruitment, skills training, course development and diversity monitoring.

Addison will also oversee the personal development and well-being of existing Lupus Films staff and crew, and she will be responsible for the corporate representation of Lupus Films at industry events and conferences, the first one being The Children’s Media Conference (CMC) 2022, being held in Sheffield on 5-7th July.

Addison has worked with Lupus Films on individual training and resource development projects since 2014. She was previously the Animation Production Liaison Executive for screen development agency, ScreenSkills, overseeing the delivery of skills development initiatives for the UK animation industry.

Aside from her work at Lupus Films, Abigail is a Producer at independent production company, Animate Projects, and was nominated for a BAFTA for their co-production I’m OK by Elizabeth Hobbs in 2019. She is also the Animation Programmer at Edinburgh International Film Festival.

Camilla Deakin, co-founder Lupus Films says: “The next few years are going to be incredibly busy for us with so many projects in production and development including Kensuke’s Kingdom and The Storm Whale trilogy.  We are delighted to have such an experience hand on the tiller as Abigail’s to steer us through this exciting time and ensure our teams have all the training and support they need.”

Ruth Fielding, co-founder Lupus Films says: “Because of the nature of the work, animation can be a lonely business, particularly for young people.  Abigail’s appointment will ensure that we are not only in a great place to recruit new talent but also provide them with the best skills training and career development to ensure they are equipped to deal with the demands of working on a busy production”.

Abigail Addison says: “I am excited to be joining Lupus Films at a time when there are so many fantastic projects in development as well as production, and to be able to work with the team on delivering essential training initiatives and to ensure their crews will be given  the professional and technical skills needed to work on Lupus Films’ exceptional productions.”


Jon Creamer

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