Elstree Studios has now launched its two two new soundstages.

The Platinum Stages, named in honour of the Queen’s jubilee year, have recently been completed. The stages have a combined workable footprint of 3,210 square metres. Clad in timber cassettes, the new stages have been designed to meet international space standards in studio design and can be used as two separate stages or a combined super-sized one.

Chairman of Elstree Studios’ Board of Directors and Leader of Hertsmere Borough Council, Cllr Morris Bright MBE, commented: “I’m delighted to see this construction project completed and excited to see the stages fully operational very soon. The stages are among the best in the industry and keep our studios as a top destination for television and film production in the world.”

The stages are a £15.6m project part-funded by Hertsmere Borough Council and the government’s Getting Building Fund via Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

David Conway, Chair of Hertfordshire LEP’s Film & TV Industry Panel, said: “As part of our work to further reinforce Hertfordshire’s position as the vanguard of UK film and TV, we’re delighted that funding secured by the Local Enterprise Partnership will help accelerate the growth of the sector locally, providing a host of economic benefits.


Jon Creamer

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