Boxer Systems has promoted Abby Parsall to Sales Manager.

Parsall brings over a decade of experience working as Account Manager across all areas of Boxer’s portfolio, having started her career specialising in Test and Measurement sales.

Alongside her sales duties, Parsall has played a key role representing the company at customer events, trade shows and BOXfest, Boxer’s annual technology festival.

Parsall has built close relationships with key suppliers including Telestream, Colorfront, Synamedia, AJA and Ateliere,

“I am very much looking forward to help grow the team and company over the years to come.” said Parsall, “Along with the Boxer team with support from our wonderful customers and suppliers alike whether they have been long standing or newer, they are pivotal in guiding us to the next stage of success.“

Boxer MD Marc Risby commented “This position recognises her significant part in Boxer’s sales success over many years, her experience and the respect she has earned with suppliers and customers alike.”

Pippa Considine

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