The BBC must do more to attract young people, according to regulator Ofcom.
The BBC is not reaching enough young people, said Ofcom in its annual report on the corporation. “As well as providing content that appeals, it needs to find new ways of reaching younger people that suit and reflect their viewing and listening habits.”
The report looks at how the BBC is performing against a backdrop of change in the media landscape, in particular growth of the streamers like Netflix and Amazon. Ofcom said YouTube now reaches more than 44 million people per month, while the number of people watching live TV has fallen for six successive years.
Ofcom said the BBC continues to play a central role across TV, radio and online. More than nine in ten adults consume BBC content each week; on average, it estimates that people spend 2 hours 44 minutes with the BBC every day.
Ofcom said that young people are using BBC online and the BBC iPlayer, but the BBC’s overall reach among young people is still lower than among all adults.
It estimates that on average, young people spend around one hour and twenty minutes with the BBC every day, which is around half as much time as audiences overall.
Few young people, added Ofcom, choose to watch BBC Three online.
Sharon White, Ofcom Chief Executive, said: “Viewers and listeners have told us the BBC is generally doing a good job. But it can go further in some areas. We expect the BBC to do more in attracting younger people, being bolder in the programmes it makes, and making original UK programmes that accurately reflect the lives of people around the UK.”
Ofcom set out its findings in the following graphic, below:
Staff Reporter
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