Animated Women UK, the  organisation supporting women in the UK’s VFX and animation industries, today announced that  its ‘Achieve Programme’ is open for entries.

‘The Achieve Programme’, first  run in 2017, focuses on supporting women in the VFX and animation industries to develop their careers. 24 participants will get to take part in the programme.
The programme is funded and supported by Creative Skillset, Disney, and Escape Studios and is open to any age group. It launches on 18th January with applications accepted until 31st January.

The course is run run by accredited executive coach, Marianne O’Connor and coach, facilitator and trainer specialising in women’s leadership development, Jan Armstrong.
Beth Parker, Co-Chair Animation, Animated Women UK said, "The past few months have put women’s position in the workplace right in the spotlight. Finally our voices are being heard, and The Achieve Programme aims to support women to find the platform that will ensure their voices continue to be loud and proud. I am immensely proud of what The Achieve Programme represents and to provide women in the animation industry with the tools to help them progress within their careers.”
Louise Hussey, Co-Chair VFX, Animated Women adds, “It has been great to hear from last year’s attendees that The Achieve Programme has equipped them with the confidence and skills to further their careers in our industries. The support we have from Creative Skillset, Disney and Escape Studios for this programme allows AWUK to help create a network of women all experiencing the same challenges, enabling them to overcome them together.”
Fees for the Achieve Programme costs £225  for Senior participants, £175 for mid level  and £75 for junior level for the  full set of sessions, and will consist of evening workshops in central London. For more information, head here .

Staff Reporter

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