Sky has written to its indie suppliers to announce enhanced anti-harassment and bullying policies on its productions.
Among the requirements for every Sky production are a named Safeguarding Representative and mandatory online training.
Each production will also be required to prominently display details around the workplace of how to report any concerns, and to offer anonymous exit questionnaires to give everyone finishing a production the opportunity to raise any concerns.
Zai Bennett, Managing Director of Content at Sky UK and Jane Millichip, Chief Content Officer of Sky Studios wrote to suppliers this week to announce the changes.
“Recent allegations of sexual misconduct and other unacceptable behaviour on set in the TV industry have given us all reason to address what is and is not acceptable during production,” they said. “This is a moment for the UK’s TV and Film industry to take stock and ensure we are doing all we can to prevent future occurrences of misconduct, and support those who have concerns they wish to raise.”
“We believe the cast and crew of every production commissioned or produced by Sky and Sky Studios, has the right to work in a safe and supportive environment. Now is the time for us all to take a firm stand and ensure there is no ambiguity whatsoever about behaviours, work culture and the professional standards we expect on our productions.”
Below are details of the Sky says it is rolling out on all future Sky productions.
Safeguarding Representative: The Production Company will continue to have responsibility for sharing, championing and enforcing our existing policies. We will also now require every production to have a named Safeguarding Representative, who will support production with information on policies and routes to report issues. The role of Safeguarding Representative may be someone with an existing role on set who is given additional responsibility for safeguarding. The Safeguarding Representative will be an individual with appropriate training on bullying and harassment in the workplace. They will have clear knowledge of Sky’s and the independent production companies’ policies in these areas, and they will direct any issues that arise accordingly.
Mandatory Respect in the Workplace training: Everyone working on a Sky production, including cast and crew, will have to complete a mandatory online training module, Respect in the Workplace, which details the level of behaviour we expect in the workplace. In addition, on our scripted productions we will continue to work with ScreenSkills to offer free leadership and management training to all Heads of Department and leaders on set. We now require all leaders to complete the training before a production starts (or on an annual basis). We are in discussions to also roll out similar training on our unscripted productions and are working with ScreenSkills on this.
Clear information on how to report concerns: In addition to printing details of Sky’s confidential service, Sky Listens, on call sheets, each production will now be required to prominently display details around the workplace of how to report any concerns, including; private spaces, such as toilets and trailers; and public spaces, such as canteens and break spaces. This should include details for Sky Listens, the Film & TV Charity’s reporting line and the new, on-set Safeguarding Representative.
Anonymous exit questionnaires: We will also introduce anonymous exit questionnaires to give everyone finishing a production the opportunity to raise any concerns or provide any recommendations for the future to both the independent production company and Sky.
Jon Creamer
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