Seven Seas Films, founded by Dan Sefton and Simon Lupton, is partnering with Nick Leese’ Tin Hat Film and TV Productions and Spain’s La Pepa to develop a drama adaptation of the best-selling novel Driving Over Lemons, which will be written by Dan Sefton (Good Karma Hospital, Delicious, The Mallorca Files).
Driving Over Lemons is written by author Chris Stewart, who at the age of 17 retired as drummer of Genesis and turned his back on rock n roll for a career as a sheep shearer and travel writer after moving to a remote mountain farm in Southern Spain with his wife.
Inspired by his family’s adventures, the drama follows Chris, a hapless optimist, and his pragmatic wife Ana, as the couple embark on a new life, uprooting from the UK and relocating to Andalusia, in an attempt to build a new life in the Alpujarra mountains.
Dan Sefton said: “Chris’s book is utterly charming and filled with as much warmth as a summers’ day in Spain. The story intrigued us from the start – so many of us have daydreamed about uprooting our lives for sunnier climes, and his tales of the reality of doing this has provided the most brilliant story filled with humour, miscommunication, inspiration, challenges, and gratitude. And all set against the gorgeous Andalusian backdrop. I think audiences will fall for its charm, as much as we have.”
Simon Lupton said: “We look for stories filled with rich characters in unique situations, that will make captivating television, this isn’t always easy to find, but Driving Over Lemons has it in spades. The absolutely true story demonstrates not only how hard and how brave it is to uproot and move thousands of miles to a completely new country; but how when you are open to it, how two different cultures can come together, work together, laugh together and create the opportunity for a new and completely inspired life. We’re excited to partner with Nick, Alvaro and Manuel to bring this “slice of sunshine” drama to audiences at home and beyond.”
Nick Leese said: “The charm, humour and shear bravery of the stories in this book, and the sequels, have pleased countless readers over two decades and the team we have built is almost as exciting as the book itself. Dan brings characters to life like no other, his previous works (Including my personal favourite Good Karma Hospital) have proved how skilfully he can create a world for the screen; world’s that captivate and entertain viewers, bringing them back time and time again over multiple series. Alvaro and Manuel are world-class, award-winning producers of film and TV having undertaken over a dozen feature films and 20 co-productions.”
Alvaro and Manuel, La Pepa, said: “We are delighted to be working with this multi-talented team to bring Driving Over Lemons to life, particularly as huge fans of Dan’s writing and work. The physical production of the show will take place in the heart of Andalusia for maximum authenticity and to bring the evocative landscape and people of the area to the screen. We cannot wait to show off our beautiful country to international audiences.”
Driving Over Lemons is a UK-Spanish co-production between La Pepa PC in Spain, Tin Hat film and TV Productions and Seven Seas Films in the UK. Dan Sefton serves as showrunner and lead writer. Sefton and Simon Lupton are Executive Producers, alongside Nick Leese, Alvaro Alonso and Manual Yebra.
Jon Creamer
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