Producers’ trade body, Pact has launched a Inclusion Tool for the TV and Film sector to help producers to create bespoke inclusion strategies for their businesses and productions.

The aim of the tool is to help producers to embed diversity and inclusion across production processes both on and off screen.  There is guidance on inclusive hiring, race awareness, disability, mental health, Bullying and Harassment, neurodiversity, LGBTQ+, sex and gender, parenting and caring responsibilities, inclusive casting, and inclusive leadership.

Anjani Patel, Pact’s Head of Inclusion and Diversity who developed the tool, said: “Production companies of all sizes and from all genres across the UK can now create a strategy using a system of action plans and templates. The informal nature of our industry means that we cannot use generic off the shelf inclusion strategies that work for other sectors.  This tool, the first of its kind in the sector, provides a simple and comprehensive solution for TV and Film businesses.

“To make our businesses and productions more inclusive we need to move beyond headcount and recruitment targets; and think more strategically to remove barriers to retention and career progression. Real inclusion means creating a level playing field, where everyone feels heard and valued in the workplace, on set and in decision making.”

The tool asks indies to complete a step-by-step Company Strategy Template to consider:

what they want to achieve, taking into account the size of their company and to carry out an inclusion review to assess where they are now with regard to workplace diversity.

  their current hiring, retention and promotion policies. Informal recruitment channels are a factor in the relative lack of diversity in the creative industries.

creating, extending or improving their formal policies and procedures to ensure they are inclusive.

creating an action plan and actively involving all groups of staff, including subcontractors and freelancers.

communicating their inclusion strategy and ongoing progress in achieving the goals they set out in their plan to their organisation.

The inclusion tool also has a focus on mental health and bullying and harassment, with policies and best practice to create inclusive cultures and to prevent and tackle issues when they arise.

Pact Chief Executive, John McVay, said: “We believe the whole industry has a role to play in working to change workplace culture, but we recognise the specific responsibilities of production companies as employers. We continue to be committed to working with the wider sector to move the dial on diversity and inclusion.

“This tool provides a practical solution as with a clear understanding of the current gaps and barriers and the right resources, our members can put in place strategies for preventing and tackling these serious issues and making their organisations more inclusive.”

Pact Members can access the tool through the Pact website.


Jon Creamer

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