MTV has commissioned a new live and interactive digital game show series titled MTV Games Live with Charlotte Crosby. The long form series will feature reality TV star Charlotte Crosby live from her home, as she seeks to entertain fans in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The series, consisting of 6 x 30 minute episodes, will stream live on a weekly basis from 8.30pm today across MTV International’s Facebook and YouTube channels. The series will be remotely produced by ViacomCBS Digital Studios International using cloud-based Grabyo and Zoom.
Each week, Charlotte will film herself live from home, conducting a string of activities including quizzes, games and challenges that fans can play along with at home for fun. In each episode, Charlotte will also be joined by a number of her celebrity friends from their homes via video link, who will also be competing in the games. Viewers will be able to interact with Charlotte during the live stream, posting comments, likes and slipping questions to her for the celebrities. Guest stars confirmed to participate include Geordie Shore’s Sophie Kasaei and TOWIE’s Bobby Norris, with more to be announced soon.
“It’s so important to be able to adapt at a moment’s notice, and it’s never been more critical than at this particularly strange and trying time. From their couches around the UK, our incredible team is creating content remotely that we know our audience will love,” said Kerry Taylor, EVP, ViacomCBS Networks International Entertainment & Youth brands. “It’s brilliant to work with Charlotte on this – she has such a unique energy and is the perfect person to host this game night series.”
Charlotte Crosby commented “I’m so excited to be hosting MTV’s live online games night – it’s going to be unreal. To make it even better, I’ll be joined online by some of my celeb pals, who will be competing against each other and you guys can play along at home too!”
Over the following weeks, MTV will also be commissioning a number of fast turnaround short form series (with 5 minute episodes), featuring a variety of well-known reality TV faces. The content will sit across MTV’s international network of digital and social platforms. The first series, launching tomorrow, will feature Geordie Shore’s Nathan Henry as he conducts a parody of a virtual language lesson, teaching viewers at home how to speak fluent ‘geordie’. More details on the short form series will be announced in due course.
All of the digital activity falls under ViacomCBS Network International’s campaign #AloneTogether. Led by MTV, Comedy Central, Paramount Network and BET, the global social and talent-led campaign educates audiences on the importance of social distancing and drives unity through entertainment.
Staff Reporter
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