Scottish based production houses Maramedia and Wild Child Animation are to make a second series of bedtime show, Hushabye Lullabye, for CBeebies.

The series of short animations is a Scottish collaboration that has been created by Glasgow-based Sacha Kyle, an established television and theatre director; together with animators Wild Child of Stirling and the award-winning Glasgow-based MaraKids delivering the series with executive producer Simon Parsons. 

Sacha Kyle, creator, writer and director said, “I am delighted to have the opportunity to create a new series with brand new lullabies for parents and babies who have expressed such enjoyment from the first series and are regularly watching Hushabye Lullabye as part of their bedtime routine and sleep time.”

MaraKids is the award-winning children’s brand from acclaimed natural history production company Maramedia.  The team make quality innovative content that gives added value to viewers. Jackie Savery, Director of Maramedia said, “Working with other Scottish based talent like Wild Child and Sacha is fantastic, we are really proud of the series and hope it brings much joy to parents and children alike!

Wild Child Animation co-founder and seasoned industry exec Ken Anderson said, “We at Wild Child are absolutely delighted to continue our association with Sacha, Jackie, Nigel and all the team at Maramedia on such a beautiful, charming and heart-warming series.

The series is commissioned by CBeebies and is distributed internationally by Beyond Distribution.


Jon Creamer

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