Animation studio, Factory and children’s publishers Andersen Press are co producing new animated TV series of David McKee’s iconic children’s brand ‘Elmer the Patchwork Elephant’.

Based on the bestselling picture books by David McKee, ‘Elmer the Patchwork Elephant’ will follow the adventures of the colourful, fun loving, unique elephant who is finding his place in the herd.

Phil Chalk, Managing Director of Factory said: “Elmer is one of the most iconic and widely read children’s book series of all time and we are so excited to be teaming up with Andersen Press and David McKee in bringing Elmer to life for a brand new generation of children.”

Written and illustrated by celebrated children’s author and artist David McKee, the Elmer books have sold over 10 million copies worldwide since it was first published by Andersen Press in 1989 and has been translated into more than 50 languages and now new books, toys and clothing add to the world of Elmer the Patchwork Elephant.

David McKee has written and illustrated over 50 picture books for Andersen Press and has penned a number of children’s classics including King Rollo, Mr Benn, Not Now Bernard and Elmer the Patchwork Elephant.

Commenting on the partnership, Klaus Flugge, Chairman and Publisher at Andersen Press said, “Publishing David McKee’s Elmer books for the past 30 years has been one of the greatest achievements of my career. As we see Elmer continue to grow in success in the UK and internationally, David McKee, myself and everyone at Andersen Press are excited to partner with Phil Chalk and his prize winning team at Factory to bring Elmer to a new audience through what promises to be fantastic animated films celebrating the very things at Elmer’s core; friendship, inclusivity and celebrating your own true colours.”

Staff Reporter

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