Colourist Rebecca Goodeve has launced Author Productions, a freelance post production agency comprising colourists, vfx supers and editors.
The agency also has a tie in with Vaudeville for sound design and mixing.
Goodeve set up her own freelance grading business in Leigh-on-Sea three years ago and has now launched Author with fellow colourists, vfx supers and editors on the books.
Said Goodeve: “It’s the perfect time to expand, with many post houses in London seemingly struggling through the pandemic it felt like people were going reaching out more and more to freelancers. So Author Productions has a collective of really talented freelance individuals who are specialised in their field and can deliver the best job for our clients’ projects. With also being spread across multiple time zones, it means we’re also able to deliver projects that have the tightest of deadlines. Author Productions are based in the UK, US, CA and NL.
Jon Creamer
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