Channel 4 has commissioned docs, comedies and reality experiments from Voltage TV, WTTV, Rogan Productions and Oxford Films.


Rogan Productions is to produce a ground-breaking three-part documentary series on Russian President Vladimir Putin. 


Filmed across Russia, America, Europe and the UK, this landmark series will show how Putin brought his knowledge of spy-craft to define the presidency of a nuclear power. 


It will explore how Putin’s personal experiences have influenced his politics, how modern Russia has been created through an acute sense of betrayal, pride and anger, and how Putin’s values have been exported around the world – from Crimea to Salisbury to Washington DC.  


It will be told using Putin’s own words, by those close to him and by those most impacted by his actions.  


Fatima Salaria, Head of Specialist Factual said: “This new exciting commission promises to deliver new revelation and insight into a figure who we are all intrigued by. Nick Green, Paul Mitchell and James Rogan will bring intricate storytelling, beautifully assembled archive and fascinating interviews from those who witnessed and lived through these events."


James Rogan, Executive Producer commented: “To understand what is happening in the world right now, it is necessary to understand Vladimir Putin. Putin has shown his staying power as one of the most formidable politicians of the 21st century. This series will explore how as a former spy he has redefined politics and the impact this has had globally.”


Series Director: Nick Green; Series Producer: Paul Mitchell; Executive Producer: James Rogan; Commissioning Editor: Fatima Salaria, Head of Specialist Factual



Lady Parts, from writer/director Nida Manzoor (Hounslow Diaries, Enterprice) is a 6 X 30‘ music comedy following a Muslim female punk band, also called Lady Parts, that first took shape as a Channel 4 Blap last year.


The six-part music comedy shows the highs and lows of the band Lady Parts as seen through the eyes of Amina Hussein – a geeky PHD student who is recruited to be their unlikely lead guitarist. 


Nida Manzoor, who has written and will direct the show said: “I had such a blast making the C4 Comedy Blap and am so thrilled to have the opportunity to make a full series. The show is so close to my heart and I feel very lucky to be working with the incredible people at Channel 4 and WTTV who have been so supportive and encouraging throughout.”


Fiona McDermott, Head of Comedy at Channel 4 said: “Lady Parts promises to be an audacious, celebratory and hilarious new comedy. Nida is a phenomenal talent who had such vision for this show and the women and world she wanted to portray, it was impossible not to succumb to it after the success of the Blap. We’re thrilled to be working with her and all at Working Title on scaling it up.”


Surian Fletcher-Jones, Head of Development at WTTV added: “We feel very lucky indeed to be working with the extraordinarily talented Nida on this brilliantly funny and wildly original show. We are enormously grateful to Fiona McDermott and Laura Riseam in C4 Comedy for giving us this opportunity.”


Nida Manzoor writes and directs Lady Parts. It was commissioned for Channel 4 by Fiona McDermott, Head of Comedy for Channel 4 and Laura Riseam, Commissioning Executive for Channel 4. Executive Producers for WWTV are Mark Freeland and Surian Fletcher-Jones. It is a WTTV production.


From BAFTA winning director Patrick Forbes comes Brexit Two Tribes (w/t), produced by Oxford Films.


Filmed over the last nine months, with access to senior figures such as Jacob Rees-Mogg, Sir Alan Duncan, Ken Clarke, Sir Nicholas Soames, Anna Soubry, Nicky Morgan, Andrew Bridgen and Nigel Farage it tells the inside story of the Conservative Party’s bitter struggle over the defining political issue of the day: Brexit.


The 1 X 60’ documentary starts in January as Prime Minister Theresa May battles to sell her hard negotiated withdrawal agreement to an increasingly sceptical House of Commons. Her failure leads to her resignation, and replacement by Boris Johnson – to the on-screen relief of his backers and lieutenants, and weary resignation of his ministerial opponents.


Dorothy Byrne, Commissioning Editor said, ‘It’s been extraordinary for the public witnessing recent political events from the outside. It’s even more extraordinary seeing some of those events from the inside’ 


Oxford Films Director Patrick Forbes said, ‘I’m delighted to be making this film for Channel 4. It’s been a real privilege filming the first draft of this extraordinary period in our history – and being given the freedom to show politics as it really is’.


Director: Patrick Forbes; Producer: Claire Kavanagh; Executive Producer: Nick Kent; Commissioning Editor: Dorothy Byrne, Head of News and Current Affairs.


In The British Tribe Next Door (w/t), 4 x 60’, Gogglebox and I’m a Celebrity star Scarlett Moffatt and the rest of the Moffatt family will spend four weeks with the Himba tribe in a remote Namibian tribal village.


In the show, produced by Voltage TV, they will be taking their County Durham home with all its mod cons – running water, electricity, and all their possessions, with them.


The community the Moffatts will be joining is a small village of semi-nomadic Himba cattle-herders, who live largely traditional lives. In the spirit of Meet The Natives the Himba have agreed to host the Moffatts, 


Alf Lawrie, Head of Factual Entertainment at Channel 4 said, “For the first time in human history, British suburbia and Himba tribal life will co-exist side-by-side. This series contrasts two worlds on a spectacular scale – but at its heart, is about the extraordinary relationships it creates. Scarlett and the Himba are the perfect foils, both hospitable, curious, friendly … and sharing wicked senses of humour.”


Sanjay Singhal, co-executive Producer for Voltage TV added, ‘We’re excited to be making such an ambitious and innovative programme. It feels totally unpredictable and I’m intrigued to know what the Himba and the Moffatts will learn about themselves from taking part.”


Scarlett Moffatt said, “This is one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. I feel privileged and humbled that the Himba tribe invited us to join them and we have all learnt an enormous amount.”


Chief Tijone of the Himba tribe, said, “I was born in our village and I’ve never travelled far so I don’t know the Western life. Of course, there are benefits and there are disadvantages. When the visitors come, they can explain everything to us, and we will learn from each other’s cultures.”


Emma Gilberthorpe, Senior Lecturer in Development Anthropology at the University of East Anglia’s School of International Development and Consultant Anthropologist for the series is very positive about its ambitions: “Rather than presenting Indigenous peoples as relics of a forgotten past, The British Tribe Next Door (w/t) has the potential to celebrate our shared humanity, enabling the audience to relate to the Himba as agents of their own reality. The building of a Western homestead within their village creates the possibility of a uniquely balanced and equal cultural exchange.” 


The British Tribe Next Door (w/t), 4 X 60’, was commissioned by Alf Lawrie, Head of Factual Entertainment at Channel 4. It is a Voltage TV and Motion Content Group co-production, the Executive Producers are Sanjay Singhal and Dominique Walker for Voltage and Melanie Darlaston for Motion Content Group, the Series Editor is David Vallance and the Series Director is Christian Watt. The British Tribe Next Door (w/t) will TX later this year on Channel 4.

Staff Reporter

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