The British Animation Awards (BAAs) have officially opened for entries today with a new category for Best International Animated Series.

There will also be separate awards for Best Long Form Animation and Best Feature Film.

BAA director Helen Brunsdon said: “The BAAs are delighted to return in 2024 to celebrate and showcase the outstanding achievements the UK industry has created over the last couple of years. By introducing the new Best International Animated Series category, we recognise the great collaborations of co- productions and partnerships between UK producers and international studios.”

For the Best International Animated Series Award, UK companies and individuals are invited to enter a single animated series episode (not multiple episodes) produced in an international co- production arrangement. The BAAs welcome productions that have been majority-produced outside the UK.

The BAA Categories include: Best Design, Best Use of Sound, Best Factual, Best Voice Performance, Best Undergraduate Film, Best Postgraduate Film, Writers Award, Lamb Award, Best Children’s Pre-School Series, Best Children’s Series, Best Music Video, Wildcard, Best Original Music, Best Animation in a Commercial, Social Good Award, Best International Animated Series, Best Long Form Animation, Best Feature Film, Audience Award, Best Short Film.

The closing date for student entries is the 29th September and the closing date for all other categories is the 30th October.


Jon Creamer

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