BBC Studios Productions has announced the third iteration of its Assistant Producer Accelerator Programme.

Across the three separate cohorts in 2021, 2022 and now in 2023, 41 individuals have been offered one-year contracts to work within BBC Studios’ Factual Entertainment, Natural History, Entertainment and Music, Documentaries, Specialist Factual, Podcast and Science units across its London, Cardiff, Bristol, Salford and Glasgow bases. All received bespoke training in developing their practical content-making skills in scripting, storytelling, pitching, development and self-shooting whilst also learning more about areas such as leadership, team management and mental health awareness.

The programme receives over 700 applications each year and those successful receive a masterclass every month with senior programme makers, commissioners, and other industry experts. There is also a dedicated Assistant Producer Accelerator Programme Director, who curates the programme and is in regular contact with all the APs, be they past or present. The inaugural APAP was led by Donna Taberer and Sarah Wood.

Ralph Lee, BBC Studios Productions CEO, says: “I’m really pleased that we can commit to supporting an industry-leading third year of this unique initiative that continues to develop talent from across the nation, representing a broad range of backgrounds. The APAP is one of the most sought-after opportunities in content creation in the UK and its alumni are destined to become trailblazers across our industry.”

Melissa Clay-Peters, Senior Head of Talent at BBC Studios Productions commented: “This is a significant investment for BBC Studios which not only means we benefit from the skills and talents of the programme’s graduates who continue to work here – but so do other UK production companies who have already employed some of our alumni. The two cohorts are a highly impressive group who are already making their mark in creating outstanding content and we are confident this latest intake will follow in their now well-trodden footsteps.”

Nathalie Swain-Diaz, an Assistant Producer Accelerator Programme second year graduate who worked with the Natural History Unit in Bristol commented: “Comparing where I was at the start of last year (before my time on the Assistant Producer Accelerator Programme) to where I’m at now is very much chalk and cheese – I came to the APAP unsure if I should stay in the industry, and now, I cannot imagine doing anything else. My passion for filmmaking was reignited – having a framework to support my learning and growth alongside full-time work was just what I needed. It was completely transformative, and I can’t thank BBC Studios and all those involved with the programme enough.”


Jon Creamer

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