STV Productions is producing a new six-part Saturday night game show for BBC One. The show will launch in the run up to Sport Relief 2018, with the first episode airing on 6th January.
The series, And They’re Off For Sport Relief, will be presented by sports presenter and Strictly Come Dancing 2016 champion Ore Oduba. The programme will see famous faces take part in a series of obstacle courses, including running through mud and hurtling down giant water slides before a final showdown.
Celebrities include former athletes Michael Owen, Mike Tindall and Helen Glover as well as Penny Lancaster, Stacey Solomon, Saira Khan and Russell Kane.
Members of the studio audience will try to correctly predict which celebrity will triumph during each race in order to win an “experience of a lifetime.”
The series will also feature films of visits to a number of Comic Relief funded projects, including Tom Daley visiting health projects in Malawi and Stacey Solomon visiting a maternal mental health project in the UK.
And They’re Off For Sport Relief is being produced by STV Productions with the format co-developed by Motion Content Group. It has been commissioned by Controller of BBC Entertainment Kate Phillips and Commissioning Editor, Entertainment and Daytime Jo Street.
Jon Creamer
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