The BBC and Pact have agreed a new Terms of Trade deal which coincides with the relaunch of BBC Three as a linear channel.

For BBC Three commissions, the BBC will have a two year window on iPlayer plus unlimited transmissions on the BBC Three broadcast channel during the first 18 months.

The BBC also has a further 18 transmission days on BBC Three for the remaining 3.5 years of licence included within the initial programme payment to independent producers.

For transmissions on other BBC channels, repeats can be purchased separately under existing terms.

For iPlayer use beyond the two years, a payment of 1% for non-exclusivity and 2% for exclusivity is required for each 12 month extension, and each time the BBC acquires an additional iPlayer window, the initial licence term reduces by 6 months (but can be extended).

BBC’s Commercial, Rights & Business Affairs Director, Jo Korn, said: “This new deal is great news for both the BBC and independent producers, and we are really pleased to have concluded this in good time for launch. It provides the channel with the flexibility to ensure its programmes deliver real value to audiences however they wish to view the content, as well as recognition of success for producers.

Pact’s Director of Business Affairs, Max Rumney, adds: “Our members are pleased to see the return of the linear channel and the opportunities this will bring for producers to showcase the brilliant creativity of the UK independent production sector. It is a great example of Pact and the BBC working together to deliver a positive result for everyone.”


Jon Creamer

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