The BBC is launching an online game to accompany the new series of psychological reality competition show The Traitors.
The new game will be made available online after episode 3 airs on Friday 5th January. Ahead of each subsequent episode airing on BBC One and iPlayer, players will be able to predict who they think will be the next person to be murdered by the Traitors, and who the Faithful will banish at the next Round Table. They’ll need to make their choices by the start of the next episode, and each correct guess will earn them points which will be added to their total over the course of the series.
They can also earn points by predicting which contestants they think will make it through to the endgame, and by answering bonus questions along the course of the series.
Players will see how their total ranks in the overall leader board, plus they’ll be able to form separate mini-competitons with their friends – competing across the series to see who comes out on top after the final endgame.
The game will be available at on web, tablet and mobile devices from Friday 5th January.
Jamie Dodds, digital commissioning executive, BBC Entertainment, says “This brand new game offers fans of The Traitors the chance to immerse themselves in the world of the show, and play along with all the betrayals, mind games, and manipulations of this epic new series. It’s a great way for people at home to see if they can think like a Traitor!”
Pushpa Reddy, director of product management at the BBC, says: “We’ve built this game as a fun way to help people engage with one of our best loved and most exciting shows. This is a game for The Traitors obsessives – using everything they know and understand about the show to inform their predictions to compete with their friends and family at this tense and nail-biting game and see who will emerge as the ultimate Traitors fan.”
The Traitors online game is licensed to the BBC by The Traitors format rights holder All3Media International.
Jon Creamer
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